Author Archive

Mesurez votre popularité politique sur Internet

July 13, 2007

Ron PaulAprès mes précédents billets sur les élections présidentielles et les partis politiques en France, où on a vu que les écarts en termes de Web Analytics étaient surtout fonction de la popularité existante des partis et de leurs budgets dédiés aux Web Analytics, je m’intéresse aujourd’hui (en fait depuis plusieurs années) à l’élection présidentielle de 2008 aux Etats-Unis.

Dans ce pays qui ne cesse de nous surprendre, la campagne présidentielle commence deux ans après l’entrée en fonction du président élu. Et il se trouve justement que pour cette édition 2007-2008, on parle de plus en plus du phénomène Ron Paul.

NOTE: Ce billet ne reflète aucunement l’opinion politique d’OX2 ou de ses employés 😉


Vous cherchez des experts Google Analytics?

July 4, 2007

Google Analytics Authorized ConsultantVous êtes peut être déjà au courant mais OX2 est désormais le seul Google Analytics Authorized Consultant en Belgique. Notre politique est faire connaître les Web Analytics et de promouvoir l’utilisation des outils WA. C’est pourquoi, depuis la création d’OX2, nous apportons conseil et assistance sur Google Analytics.

Afin d’aider les entreprises dans leur utilisation de Google Analytics, nous avons créé deux packs dont j’explique le contenu ci-dessous: (more…)

Google Analytics: De l’importance des referrers complets

June 25, 2007

Comme vous vous en apercevez peut-être quand vous consultez vos rapports, les sites externes qui amènent du trafic vers votre site (aussi appelés referrers ou sites référants ou de provenance) sont très souvent des sites dynamiques.

Quand vous essayez de mesurer l’activité provenant d’un catalogue produit, d’un site communautaire, d’un blog ou d’un forum, il y a de fortes chances que l’URL des pages de provenance contienne des caractères cabalistiques auquels vous ne comprenez rien et ce même si cette page a un titre tout à fait orthodoxe.

Par exemple, si vous recevez du trafic depuis

il est très probable que vous ne puissiez pas reconnaître le document à première vue 😉

La plupart des outils de Web Analytique permettent de visualiser l’intégralité du referrer.

Ce n’est pas le cas de Google Analytics car la façon de stocker l’URI du referrer est tronquée après le point d’interrogation ‘?’ qui marque le début de la chaîne de requête (querystring). (more…)

Safari pour Windows: un signe des temps

June 20, 2007

SafariApple vient finalement de lancer la semaine dernière, son navigateur web Safari sur la plateforme Windows.
Non, vous n’avez pas mal lu, il y avait bien “Safari” et “Windows” dans la même phrase.

On peut donc s’attendre à une prise de rendez-vous massive de poules chez leur dentiste 😉

Plus sérieusement, Apple fait un grand pas en avant et cette avancée aura sans doute des répercussions intéressantes sur le monde du Web.

Exciting new features for Google Analytics

June 13, 2007

Google Analytics logoGoogle Analytics logoSo I hadn’t checked the latest Analytics blog post before I posted a blurb on my personal blog about how URLs and referrers are now clickable in Google Analytics. Then it hit me with all of its reporting goodness:
new bells and whistles had been added to Google Analytics 😀

New features:

Reports now extend to 500 rows up from 100 in the previous release

ga500rows.jpg (more…)

Omniture Training week in London

May 29, 2007

OmnitureSo part of our team left for London on Monday evening to go to London and attend the Omniture Advanced Implementation Certification training, among other things.

Trip to London: riding the Eurostar

After a quick trip through the Channel in the Eurostar – along with Sir Stephen Hawking returning from Brussels – we checked into our hotel.

On a side note, the whole Eurostar experience is very much similar to taking a plane, what with the check-in process and all. (more…)

Google Analytics V2: more details

May 9, 2007

640dashboard.jpgAs I was saying in my Google Analytics V2 launch post, the bar has been kicked several steps higher for more modest vendors, what with email and scheduling now being built into GA.

For datawarehouse-enabled vendors, the time has come to differentiate from other tools, not by adding a 3D exploration layer, but by adding functionalities and value to the presentation and exploitation of data reports.

Who’s laughing at Google Analytics now?

May 8, 2007

GA V2 pie!So here it is, the long-awaited Google Analytics version 2.

Of course we at had been in the know for a while now but, as you can imagine, we had to respect Google’s non-disclosure agreement and not even hint at it. We got special coverage of V2 when we attended the Google Analytics Authorized Consultant certification training in Dublin.

This restraint was all the more difficult since GA now breaks the barrier that separated it from the other vendors’ solutions : scheduled reporting.

That’s right, folks.

Google Analytics is free, has a user-friendly, AJAX-based interface in more than 10 languages, enterprise-class features and now sends recurrent reports to your mailbox, in the format of your choice.

I will post more details on this new release and its potential in the days to come.

So basically, smaller actors such as XiTi, Weborama, StatCounter, SiteReports et al., will no longer have a differentiative edge as a product. I hope they come up with other attractive features other than being cheaper than other vendors.

If you need consulting and/or assistance on Google Analytics or other leading Web Analytics products such as WebTrends, Omniture or WebSideStory, get in touch with us via this blog or by using our contact form.

As always, constructive comments are welcome 😉

Competitive watch with Google Analytics

April 16, 2007

Google Analytics logoGive your company all the competitive edge it can get by analyzing what content is viewed by the competition.

Assuming your competitors are large companies, who sometimes own a whole range of IP addresses with their Internet Service Provider, you can identify these companies thanks to Google Analytics.

It’s a pretty smooth ride, so follow gently along 🙂


Présidentielle 2007, une mise à jour

April 5, 2007

JoséArletteSégoUn petit tour sur le site de Mozinor et l’intervention du Social Supa Crew (Queen Ségo, DJ-SK et DJ Fabe) m’a incité à poster une mise à jour de mon article précédent, “Les politiques et leurs cookies“.

Voici où nous en sommes 4 mois après: (more…)

This just in : Coremetrics goes 3D

April 2, 2007

Coremetrics LogoCoreMetrics is introducing a new release of their Web Analytics product (as published on – read the full story).


The new offering enables marketers to simultaneously track the multiple influences that impact each consumer at any point in the sales cycle, drawing on Coremetrics LIVE Profiles, the industry’s only complete record of all visitor behavior and cross-session activity. It provides unlimited insight into marketing campaigns along three dimensions: ability to draw new visitors to the site, nurture them along the conversion cycle, and trigger action.

Impact :

Is this going to impact WebSideStory‘s HBX, Visual Sciences and their Customer Analytics approach?
If the product does it right probably.

Stay tuned as the industry reacts.


On tag placement and related mechanisms…

March 16, 2007

I was having a stimulating conversation with Maxime, our Technical Web analytics Specialist (in-training).

It’s a technical debate but it fits clearly in our role as Web Analytics education provider.

When it comes to implementing a Javascript, tagging-based, Web Analytics solution, we are usually faced with one of three scenarii:

  • Manual insertion of the tag
  • Automatic insertion of the tag via a scripting stack, CMS or other Web application package
  • Automatic insertion of the tag by means of a server-based mechanism


DAX30 & Web Analytics

March 2, 2007

Max Raabe

“Meinen Damen und Herren, Mambo Nummer fünf”

So I’ve been listening to Max Raabe und das Palastorchester a bit too much lately but what can I say, this guy cracks me up 😀 But anyhow, to paraphrase Max (and Britney Spears – hallowed are her eBayed locks) : Oops, I did it again!

In this installment of European Stock Exchange companies and Web Analytics, I chose to examine the Frankfurt DAX30 index.

CAC40 & Web analytics

First of all, here is a description of each company site and which WA solution they use: (more…)

IBEX35 & Web Analytics

February 15, 2007

CAC40 & Web analyticsFollowing our previous study of CAC40 companies (FR) and their use of Web Analytics tools, here is a similar study that I ran on IBEX35 companies, the IBEX35 being the Spanish stock exchange index.

Here are our findings:

  • A staggering 62.7% of IBEX companies do not use a visible Web Analytics solution.
    By visible I mean Javascript-, tag-based solutions. If the companies listed below are indeed using a logfile solution, I suggest using the comments section to discuss this further.
  • The remaining 37.3% are split between Google Analytics, WebSideStory’s HBX, DoubleClick’s Spotlight, Nielsen’s Netratings SiteCensus and RedSheriff (now part of Netratings) with Nielsen solutions tracking 14% of the IBEX sites.


Notre CEO @ ApéroNet

February 6, 2007

Une interview de notre CEO, René Dechamps Otamendi, interrogé à l’occasion du dernier ApéroNet.

Lien : Les autres vidéo ApéroNet

Web Analytics Industry: Who’s next?

January 20, 2007

In the wake of Omniture’s purchase of Instadia on January 18th, a discussion regarding this acquisition was initiated by Jim Sterne on the Web Analytics Yahoo! Group.

I had the following comments:

As an Instadia partner in Europe, we here at OX2 had sort of a hunch as Aurélie heard about Instadia recruiting a marketing manager 🙂

I, for one, can only regret the disappearance of the only major European WA vendor, which provided for healthy competition over here.

Then again, I suppose this can be seen as a sign of times, with globalisation leading to mergers and acquisitions.. or the quiet elimination of competitors 😉

Let’s see what Omniture has in store for Instadia…



If you believed the “WA predictions for 2007” fad, you may not be surprised by this acquisition. To paraphrase the good folks at GA Experts, the biggest surprise has yet to come from the purchase of Deepmetrics by Microsoft.

As an open letter to WA vendors, I’d like to address the following points:

  • While multinational environments call for consolidated understanding and reporting of web data, there are regional specifics that do not always fit into any of the buckets provided in WA tools, there are reports that become truncated or meaningless. One does not consider Web Analytics the same way in Japan, Scandinavia, Brazil, Nigeria or the US of A.
    Multiculturality, anyone? 😉
  • You always need an outsider to stimulate competition and bring new blood to an industry. And yet, outsiders seem to be assimilated/purchased by bigger actors by the time they reach some sort of critical reputation, market share or client portfolio size.
  • By absorbing smaller vendors, you end up forcing newcomers into niches… which end up being assimilated into a bigger vendor’s solution that lacks that particular feature 😉
  • On the bright side, this globalisation-induced approach takes us closer to the establishment of Web Analytics standards that go beyond the usual trinity (page views, visits, visitors).
    If we consider Microsoft’s case, Office document formats are now commonplace. And yet, Microsoft is only just now adapting to full-XML documents that are more easily integrable into other documentation systems.
    The same could happen to Web Analytics once a major actor such as Microsoft enters the fray and forces the industry’s hand in terms of standards. My money is on Google, though 😉

With that said, stand by for some change in 2007!

CMS et Web Analytics: le grand fossé

January 9, 2007

Ceux qui me connaissent d’avant OX2 connaissent mon intérêt marqué pour les CMS, et plus particulèrement ceux du monde OpenSource. Ce qui ne m’empêche d’ailleurs pas de m’intéresser de près à ce que font les “géants” du marché, tels que Vignette, Tridion, IBM ou encore Jahia.

Le problème des solutions CMS est qu’elles doivent généralement faire l’objet de développements spécifiques avant de fonctionner conformément aux besoins de l’entreprise. Et, à partquelques exceptions comme Atomz de WebSideStory et bien sûr notre OniSystem, presque aucune de ces solutions ne prend clairement en compte les besoins en Web Analytics liés à l’exploitation d’un CMS.


CAC40 et Web Analytics

December 12, 2006

[cliquez pour détails]Après les élections présidentielles, il me semblait intéressant d’examiner un autre type de pouvoir: les entreprises du CAC40.

La fluctuation du cours en bourse des ces entreprises, commentée par Bernard Tixier – alias Jean-Pierre Gaillard, a bercé mes plus jeunes années sur France Info pendant le trajet en voiture jusqu’au lycée.

Par déformation professionnelle, je me devais d’explorer le panorama Web Analytics du CAC40.

Avec Guillaume, nous avons fait fonctionner un ‘crawler’ – fureteur pour nos amis Québecois – qui a parcouru les sites des 40 entreprises pour récupérer les informations WA de chaque site.


Wii…b Analytics?

December 7, 2006

Nintendo WiiThe Nintendo Wii gaming console just launched very succesfully in Japan and North America at about $250.00 a pop. If you had not pre-ordered, you’re in for a long, cold, queue outside gaming outlets just to get one.

Once you get past the revolutionary control system – where you have to swing the controller as though wielding a tennis racket/sword/golf club/bowling ball, etc – you notice that the Wii includes the embedded version of the Opera web browser.


[FR] Les politiques et leurs cookies…

December 4, 2006

 [Retrouvez  la mise à jour d’Avril 2007 sur ce billet]

Royal & SarkozyAvant le duel à mort entre Nicolas Sarkozy et Ségolène Royal pour l’élection présidentielle du mois de mai 2007 (et Jean-Marie le Pen pour jouer les vautours), il était bon de comparer les stratégies Web des différents partis.

En termes d’outils WA, voici un petit aperçu du panorama des partis politiques français: (more…)