Archive for the ‘Business Tips and Tricks’ Category

KPI: Pourcentage de nouveaux visiteurs et d’habitués

December 11, 2007

Nouvel épisode de notre série des indicateurs clé de performance tiré de la traduction française du livre d’Eric Peterson The Big Book of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)!

Pourcentage de nouveaux visiteurs et d’habitués

Le pourcentage de nouveaux visiteurs et de visiteurs habitués est un KPI marketing qui fournit un indicateur de haut niveau de la santé générale de votre activité. (more…)

Noël avant la date? OX2 vous apporte un petit cadeau Analytique…

December 6, 2007

wadilogo.jpgAprès une petite pause au soleil bien méritée, notre équipe Web Analytics tenait à vous faire part d’une bonne nouvelle qui fait un peu calendrier de l’Avent: vous allez très bientôt pouvoir profiter de la version française du livre The Big Book of Key Performance Indicators d’Eric T. Peterson! Nous sommes en phase finale de traduction et son titre en français sera: La Bible des Indicateurs Clé de Performance (KPI)

En effet, grâce au fait qu’Eric est devenu actionnaire d’OX2 (en sus du partenariat avec sa société Web Analytics Demystified), nous mettrons très bientôt ce livre en version française disponibilité au format PDF et… nous vous donnerons même un avant-goût de ce livre en vous faisant partager quelques-uns de ces indicateurs grâce à notre blog d’ici la fin de l’année.

Restez attentifs, ça commence dès demain! 🙂

Jim Sterne discusses the state of the Web Analytics Industry

November 15, 2007

I just spotted this video on YouTube.  A conversation between Jeremiah and Jim regarding the state of the Web Analytics Industry recorded earlier this year.

If you haven’t been able to attend an eMetrics Summit yet, this will allow you to see Jim at work explaining very clearly his vision about Web Analytics. 

If you’re not familiar about Web Analytics, after viewing this you will understand what Web Analytics is about.  You will learn how Web Analytics can change your online business and thus affect the bottom line of your company. 

You’ll see that you have a bonus discussion as you get a second discussion between Jeremiah and Jim about how to measure campaigns starting at the 16th minute.



Outsourcing Web Analysis to India?

November 12, 2007

outsource_india.jpgAfter my presentation at the eMetrics in Washington, I was approached by an off shore company specialised in data analysis based in India. Or at least, that’s what I thought it was, during our first encounter.
I had already noted the little black note books lying on the tables of the big hall where the keynotes were held and thought to myself that it was good timing as my third Google note book – which fits into my handbag – was already full. But the name of the company did not ring a bell even though the tag lines “data analysis – technology services” spiked my curiosity.

So, when the guy from Theorem actually came up to me, it rang a bell and I wasn’t really surprised by the idea of outsourcing data analysis to an off shore country. India seems the logical step as we had already discussed such possibilities of future evolution within the Web Analytics industry, when he was first approached by a couple of Indian guys some months ago. (more…)

Tracking web lift in retail cross-sales

October 29, 2007

I (“Wandering” Dave) moderate the Web Analytics Forum, and a few days ago, Tim M posted a question about cross-sell activities, and determining the effectiveness of some changes they recently made. In particular, he notes that, “The difficulty I’m finding is in determining the attributable growth in store sales overall to cross-sell.”

This is indeed a difficult problem that I seldom see addressed, so I wanted to note that there are a couple of ways to “buy” some measurements in situations like these. Of course, they are dependent on a few attributes of the product or service you’re selling, such as the average unit price. If you’re selling $1000 items, then you can probably afford a short 3-day coupon promotion where a web-printed coupon is brought into the store for a $25 discount. That will cost you $25 per response, but if you’re already doing something like a $20 discount promo, then it’s only an incremental $5 to collect some cross-sell data. Of course, if your average unit price is a $2.49 bottle of aspirin, you’ll need some other kind of incentive, like, “Print this coupon out and bring it in for a free buyer’s guide.”


Web Analytics embracing Customer Analytics

September 20, 2007

robert_doisneau_le_baiser_de_lhotel_de_ville_kiss_at_the_hotel_de__25_313.jpgThe advent of free Web Analytics tools puts pressure upon pricings. Media buying agencies are working hard to report useful results. Advanced Web Analytics clients are adapting their data gathering strategies to feed online data into data warehouses and revisiting the very concept of business intelligence.

We all agree that we have to make decisions based upon data. Where to start?
With which tool, using which team to support findings – and actions -, which consequences would it hold upon the very core of your organisation? (more…)

Web Analytics Association Webcast: Eric Peterson

August 11, 2007

Web Analytics Association Premiere Corporate LogoFor those of you who won’t be able to attend our Web Analytics Day the next September 14th, you can nevertheless attend Eric Peterson Presentation ‘Web Analytics is easy!’ through a Web analytics Association Webcast that will take place on August 29th. Please note that this exclusive event is open to WAA members only: another good reason to become a member 😉

Event details: (more…)

De la mesure des différentes sources de trafic

August 6, 2007

media typesA moins que vous ne fassiez la promotion de votre site Web exclusivement sur le Web, vous vous êtes sans doute déjà rendu compte que le suivi de vos visiteurs provenant de sources autres qu’Internet (off-line) est un vrai casse-tête.

Aurélie me parlait l’autre jour d’une discussion sur une émission de télévision dont la vidéo est disponible sur le site de l’émission. Les internautes peuvent ensuite discuter de l’émission sur le forum du site.

Une question intéressante à se poser était: quelle est la proportion des utilisateurs du forum qui visitent le site après avoir regardé l’émission à la télévision? par rapport aux purs internautes qui ne font que consommer du contenu en ligne : vidéo de l’émission et forum ? A l’époque du Web 2.0 et des interactions qui y sont développées, la notion de capture d’évènements et l’importance de l’identification de ses visiteurs deviennent vitales.

D’où une question plus globale : comment identifer chaque type de population, chaque segment utilisateur en fonction de leur provenance et de leur activité sur un site Web?


Analytics University

July 24, 2007

logo_aberdeen.jpgAurélie and I just got back from a little break in France were we enjoyed the pleasures of the nature and good food after months of hectic work. I was catching up my emails and I saw on a Google Alert that Aberdeen Group had issued a Research Study on Web Analytics, more precisely on Web Analytics knowledge and education.

Dennis from IndexTools has already blogged about the subject, but I wanted to add my little contribution to the spread of this research. This study is the result of a survey in which one of the findings was that the main frustration of the respondents is not having enough ressources to manage Web Analytics. After explaining the results of the survey, John Lovett presents what can be done to increase the knowledge about Web Analytics. He divides the possibilities in four main groups: (more…)

Aurélie’s recent Podcasts

July 10, 2007

We’ve been very busy these past weeks, sorry for the few posts. I just wanted to highlight a couple of podcasts that Aurélie has done recently:

Eric from Jenerous, did an interview of Aurélie where they discussed different topics about the future of Web Analytics. You can listen to the podcast here.

The second one was organized by Lars and gathers 6 European specialists (Lars Johansson, Steve Jackson, Dennis Mortensen, Neil Mason, Oliver Schiffers, Marc Sarde & Aurélie). They discuss about different Web Analytics topics during 75 minutes. A must listen if you’re in the Web Analytics business in Europe.

Interactive Agencies and Web Analytics

July 9, 2007

As I was discussing an e-Commerce Google Analytics project last Thursday with Julien, I saw the ZAAZ’s Web Analytics book lying on his desk. I quickly gleaned through the index as Julien was finishing up his emails to Omniture and noticed in the last chapters a mention of Interactive Agencies.
Julien promised to hand the book over as soon as he’s finished as I’m quite curious to read what the ZAAZ boys have come up in their position as an Interactive Agency and long term Web Analytics professional consultants. Jason Burby has always been a beacon of light in my web analytics journey, ever since his first presentations landed on my desktop through the help of WebTrends. So, I’ll have to be patient until Julien finishes the book and I’ll keep on reading Naom Chomsky’s Failed States, which seems to be costing me some sleep lately.

In this post, I just wanted to share my experiences over the past couple of years as a web analytics consultant, through different projects, within multiple sectors and using different tools as well as multiple actors, ranging from IT to marketing, including other Web/Interactive Agencies. Please don’t worry, clients and vendors, I won’t get specific as I do respect confidentiality. (more…)

Google Analytics: De l’importance des referrers complets

June 25, 2007

Comme vous vous en apercevez peut-être quand vous consultez vos rapports, les sites externes qui amènent du trafic vers votre site (aussi appelés referrers ou sites référants ou de provenance) sont très souvent des sites dynamiques.

Quand vous essayez de mesurer l’activité provenant d’un catalogue produit, d’un site communautaire, d’un blog ou d’un forum, il y a de fortes chances que l’URL des pages de provenance contienne des caractères cabalistiques auquels vous ne comprenez rien et ce même si cette page a un titre tout à fait orthodoxe.

Par exemple, si vous recevez du trafic depuis

il est très probable que vous ne puissiez pas reconnaître le document à première vue 😉

La plupart des outils de Web Analytique permettent de visualiser l’intégralité du referrer.

Ce n’est pas le cas de Google Analytics car la façon de stocker l’URI du referrer est tronquée après le point d’interrogation ‘?’ qui marque le début de la chaîne de requête (querystring). (more…)

Web Strategy Show by Jeremiah: Aurélie & René

June 23, 2007

The 7th of May, when we were attending the Emetrics Summit in San francisco, Jeremiah interviewed us for his Video Show: Web Strategy.

We discuss wuth Jeremiah around different topics as: web agencies, niche interactive agencies, full service agencies, Web Analytics and accountability.
Despite the jetlag we managed to make some sense 😉

Here’s the video:

[podtech content= &totalTime=868000&breadcrumb=65823c18404346d69cceae1b5b74f8db]

Exciting new features for Google Analytics

June 13, 2007

Google Analytics logoGoogle Analytics logoSo I hadn’t checked the latest Analytics blog post before I posted a blurb on my personal blog about how URLs and referrers are now clickable in Google Analytics. Then it hit me with all of its reporting goodness:
new bells and whistles had been added to Google Analytics 😀

New features:

Reports now extend to 500 rows up from 100 in the previous release

ga500rows.jpg (more…)

Google Analytics V2: more details

May 9, 2007

640dashboard.jpgAs I was saying in my Google Analytics V2 launch post, the bar has been kicked several steps higher for more modest vendors, what with email and scheduling now being built into GA.

For datawarehouse-enabled vendors, the time has come to differentiate from other tools, not by adding a 3D exploration layer, but by adding functionalities and value to the presentation and exploitation of data reports.

Web Analytics Wednesday April 2007 – Brussels – The Presentations

April 21, 2007

After posting a short summary about the first Web Analytics Wednesday in Belgium, here are the presentations.

17h10: Welcome: Web Analytics Association Introduction (by René Dechamps Otamendi)

The first one that I presented was an introduction of the Web Analytics Association as the WAA is the main organiser of the Web Analytics Wednesdays worldwide:


Competitive watch with Google Analytics

April 16, 2007

Google Analytics logoGive your company all the competitive edge it can get by analyzing what content is viewed by the competition.

Assuming your competitors are large companies, who sometimes own a whole range of IP addresses with their Internet Service Provider, you can identify these companies thanks to Google Analytics.

It’s a pretty smooth ride, so follow gently along 🙂


Web Analytics Wednesday in Brussels – 18th April 2007!

April 1, 2007

Web Analytics Association Premiere Corporate LogoWeb Analytics Wednesday is the world’s only distributed networking event for web analytics professionals. Open to everyone, practitioners and vendors alike, Web Analytics Wednesday is a free event allowing you to meet folks with similar work interests.Eric T. Peterson – Founder of the Web Analytics Wednesdays (WAW)

Jim Sterne, Founding President of the Web Analytics Association pinning Michaël Notté from Toyota Europe (one of the WAW speakers, see agenda below) with the WAA pin.

As some of you might already be aware, we are organising a Web Analytics Wednesday in Brussels capital of Europe this month. It won’t be the second wednesday of the month but the third due to the easter holidays. The Event is organized by the WAA and courteously sponsored by de Persgroep.

As I had already the opportunity to comment on Eric’s blog, we would like to make the event a bit more ‘brainy’ by starting off with some knowledge/experiences sharing (you know us ;-)).

The theme for this WAW will be:

Insights about rolling out a Web Analytics project in a pan European perspective

Regarding this theme we will have 2 presentations coming from a practitionner and a consultant. We believe that these two visions are complementary and thus we hope that you will find it interesting (register).

Here’s the Agenda for the event: (more…)

What vendors could learn from the Emetrics Summit

March 31, 2007

Vendors should also educate themselvesAfter a very nice bath, a good nights rest and some usual Saturday grocery shopping, I finally got René out of his week-end siesta and decided it was time to start my first post about the Emetrics Summit we attended, together with Siegert, during the end of this week in London.
As usual, there is a lot to digest after such an event but, in contrary to last year, it was more about networking and confirmation of our own issues and findings than real new knowledge and great surprises. Call me ‘blasée’ or just really focused.

In any case, please allow me to start with some kind of rant through a list of things I heard from vendors and found misplaced, ridiculous, utterly stupid and shows how little some of them (not all by afar) actually know about the business they’re in.
I’m aware of the fact that these are harsh words but as more and more vendors seem to be walking the education path for their own personnel as well (on top of their clients apparently), I would just like their statements to be more than simple words.


Google Analytics: there’s more to it than meets the eye

March 26, 2007

Google AnalyticsAs we just came back from Ireland where some members of the Web Analytics European Dream Team (WAEDT) followed the Google Analytics Authorised Consultant Training (GAAC), I thought like sharing what we’ve learned back in Dublin, unfortunately – to Julien’s discontent – one week after St. Patricks’ Day. Hey, Jules being allowed into those great Google offices is already quite an experience, you can’t have it all but next time, I promise I’ll buy you a Guiness!

It was a great honor to be part of the 30 or so members of the European GAAC training in order to discuss best practices and optimal uses of Google Analytics. It’s not every day that Google reaches out to third party consultants and discussing with Danish, Italian, Spanish, Irish, German, Dutch & English representatives was really a treat, while you actually realise that issues in these countries are quite similar to what we see in our little Belgium (I know, I’m Dutch but as I’ve been here for over 15 years, one could assume I’ve been adopted, right Sieg?).

It was also interesting to see all those features explained, one after the other in order to get a more complete picture of what is actually going on with this product and how far reporting can stretch for what remains a free tool. As Brian Clifton already mentioned during the eMetrics summit in London last year about the price quality ratio of GA, it’s unbeattable. I would add to this that after Dublin, I’m actually even more convinced than ever.

But let’s start with the beginning… (more…)

BeCommerce Awards winners & Web Analytics

March 23, 2007

BeCommerce Awards 2007Following the example of Julien with his research on the web analytics tools used by CAC40, IBEX35 and DAX30 companies, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the 2006 and 2007 BeCommerce Awards winners (see post BeCommerce Awards 2007) as well, to get an idea if the best of Belgian eCommerce is doing any web analytics überhaupt and which is their prefered tool.

To be complete, I also included the companies which were attributed the BeCommerce Label (and this for the first time in Belgium). These companies received this label as their ecommerce website fullfilled different conditions such as respecting the privacy, solving complaints, prtecticting minors, etc.
As they respresent the best of breed, I wondered if they analyse their web site behavior to improve their Return On Investment?

Let’s start with the list of winners and label owners, and the web analytics tool they use: (more…)

E-commerce: where do we stand today?

February 28, 2007

eCommerceI guess we live in an age where everything starts with an ‘e’.

E-mail, e-learning, e-governance, e-Europe….

Commerce has entered this group of new concepts a while ago.

If you think of e-commerce, don’t lose sight of EDI, Electronic Data Interchange. Internet is the driver of growth of e-commerce if we consider former electronic networks besides the internet as part of it. It would make little sense to talk about revenues without considering the spending and the effort behind them, this is why we’ll also look at adspend figures around Europe in connection to internet consumption.


Web Analytics & the Belgian Press Sector

February 21, 2007

There has been much writing these past months around the Belgian press. Well, I should say the French-speaking Belgian press, as they sued Google because of Google News (for more about this subject view the NYT article).

The Economist - NewspapersThe press sector is also one in which the Internet is bringing more change. I remember a few months ago The Economist did a special report about the future of newspapers called ‘Who killed the Newspaper‘, even if the dossier was a bit controversial (too negative about the future for some people) it precisely  highlighted the issue that the press is dealing with right now.

This is why we asked Claudiu (our WA Researcher) a new member of our team to make a little study about this sector here in Belgium. Before going into the results, let me share the methodology that we followed. (more…)

Deutsche Bank’s Small Cap Growth Conference 2007

February 11, 2007

Deustche Bank - A Passion to Perform.One of my favorite former employers, Deutsche Bank, will be holding as from the 12th of February their Securities 2007 Small Cap Growt Conference in Naples, Florida. The reason I’m wirting about this is the mention of Omniture’s participation, during last week’s audio cast. Interestingly enough, they weren’t the only ones I overheard last week that would participate.

As I was researching for an article about Business Intelligence & Web Analytics this week, other companies mentioned the exact same event.
Reason enough to take a peak at who would be there and what would be made available.
The following link sums up the companies attending with links towards their webcasts, if these are made available (which is not clear at this moment).

Companies attending that are currently of interest to me are: RightNow Technologies, Unica, Omniture with Josh James & Michael Herring, Informatica Corp., WebMethods, .. and I’ll leave you discover the rest.

Interestingly enough, this site also encouraged me to take a look at Deutsche Bank’s fine Think Tank, led by Prof. Norbert Walter. (more…)

Business Roadmapping

February 11, 2007

Roadmap Future

This non Web Analytics post to praise an excellent presentation of a teacher and consultant in strategic marketing in The Netherlands. He teaches at the the Nyenrode University, the ‘Harvard Business School’ of The Netherlands.

I wanted to highlight one of the first slides of the presentation:

Take a look around:

China wakes up; globalization of markets
Cultural integration and differentiation
The European neighbourhood expands
Technological innovation & sophistication
The ‘Senseo Syndrome’: competing through alliances
Blurring of market boundaries: who’s our customer?
The (Inter)networked economy
Individualization: fitness for the body and the mind?
‘User communities’: flower power in the 2000s
Volatile economic developments
Economic crises
Market saturation
Agility of markets
Seemingly unpredictable trends
Acquiescence to innovation
Quality becomes a ‘hygiene factor’
Commoditization of markets
The postmodern, hedonic tredmill goes berserk
Introduction of the Euro-currency
Government intervention
Knowledge-intensive nature of supply
The service economy requires professionalisation
Loyalty of outspoken and critical customers?
Short time-to-market
An abundance of data, a lack of knowledge
Reach and richness through new media
Winner-takes-all-market strategies
Foreign political instability
Industry shake-outs
Enronitis? Hell from Shell? Ahold or “A Hold Up”? Ethics!
Market deregulation: our national markets become anybody’s game!
From high-priced original to low-priced copy in seconds
Short PLC’s and fast-cycle product obsolescence
Increasing nontransparency and blurring of market boundaries
Non-differentiating innovation leads to ‘uniform diversity’
Hypercompetition instead of hypermonopolies
Exploding marketing expenditures
New channels: global, interactive, click-to-click
Consumer amnesia in the information clutter
CRM : “Conveniently Repackaged Marketing”?

You can download the presentation here.

What do you think? Aren’t we living interesting times?