Archive for December, 2006

OX2 Supports BAOBAB (Ma Dernière heure – Mijn Laatste Uur)

December 19, 2006

This ‘uncategorized’ post to give our support to Scripta’s initiative BAOBAB. For this end of year they have created a campaign called ‘My last hour‘. The concept is to donate the last hour salary to BAOBAB’s charity cause.

Some agencies and compagnies have created a little movie (you can view them here). Here it’s ours:

Caption: The Web is surfing… Let’s Surf! 😉

Belgian journalists do their jobs, Belgian politicians cling to power

December 17, 2006

Vifs débats autour de la RTBFInteresting journalistic aspect this week in Belgium, the country I’ve chosen to elect as the country I live and work in. My presence here remains the hazard of history and further explanation will be given following the tagging by Avinash Kaushik during the course of this week.

Thank you Avinash for this, I am very grateful and actually flattered but before I get into more personal stuff, some reflections about media and politics. It’s indirectly related to Web Analytics and I feel it is my civil duty to discuss this.

Belgium is a fascinating country. What I really like about Belgium is the fact that I live in the capital of Europe, Brussels. Brussels is one of the 3 regions that make up Belgium, together with the Wallonia region and the Flemish region. Add to that that you also have linguistic regions: the Flemish, the French and the German. Brussels is kind of majority French speaking sitting duck, surrounded by Flemish compatriots. 
Being Dutch, one can understand that the first course I flunked at university was Public Law: it’s darn complicated here in this little country of 10 million citizens, speaking mainly Flemish – which is almost similar to Dutch thus The Netherlands – and French thus France.
The balance of power in this country has seriously shifted of the last 50 years, giving economical power in favour of the Flemish camp. Wallonia lost a lot of competitive power, being based upon the industrial age’s coal mines.
Voices are growing in the Flemish region to separate.

Ah, and we also have a Royal Family. By “we” I don’t refer to the house of Orange.
Even though I would really love, as a female economist, to see Maxima and Mathilde get their heads together to support Micro Credit…
The Belgian Royal Families “mission” is “L’Union fait la force”, literally “Union makes force”.
Brussels is the capital of Belgium. And of Europe.

So, what happened? (more…)

CAC40 et Web Analytics

December 12, 2006

[cliquez pour détails]Après les élections présidentielles, il me semblait intéressant d’examiner un autre type de pouvoir: les entreprises du CAC40.

La fluctuation du cours en bourse des ces entreprises, commentée par Bernard Tixier – alias Jean-Pierre Gaillard, a bercé mes plus jeunes années sur France Info pendant le trajet en voiture jusqu’au lycée.

Par déformation professionnelle, je me devais d’explorer le panorama Web Analytics du CAC40.

Avec Guillaume, nous avons fait fonctionner un ‘crawler’ – fureteur pour nos amis Québecois – qui a parcouru les sites des 40 entreprises pour récupérer les informations WA de chaque site.


Wii…b Analytics?

December 7, 2006

Nintendo WiiThe Nintendo Wii gaming console just launched very succesfully in Japan and North America at about $250.00 a pop. If you had not pre-ordered, you’re in for a long, cold, queue outside gaming outlets just to get one.

Once you get past the revolutionary control system – where you have to swing the controller as though wielding a tennis racket/sword/golf club/bowling ball, etc – you notice that the Wii includes the embedded version of the Opera web browser.


[FR] Les politiques et leurs cookies…

December 4, 2006

 [Retrouvez  la mise à jour d’Avril 2007 sur ce billet]

Royal & SarkozyAvant le duel à mort entre Nicolas Sarkozy et Ségolène Royal pour l’élection présidentielle du mois de mai 2007 (et Jean-Marie le Pen pour jouer les vautours), il était bon de comparer les stratégies Web des différents partis.

En termes d’outils WA, voici un petit aperçu du panorama des partis politiques français: (more…)