Archive for the ‘Web analytics Demystified’ Category

KPI: Pourcentage de nouveaux visiteurs et d’habitués

December 11, 2007

Nouvel épisode de notre série des indicateurs clé de performance tiré de la traduction française du livre d’Eric Peterson The Big Book of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)!

Pourcentage de nouveaux visiteurs et d’habitués

Le pourcentage de nouveaux visiteurs et de visiteurs habitués est un KPI marketing qui fournit un indicateur de haut niveau de la santé générale de votre activité. (more…)

Noël avant la date? OX2 vous apporte un petit cadeau Analytique…

December 6, 2007

wadilogo.jpgAprès une petite pause au soleil bien méritée, notre équipe Web Analytics tenait à vous faire part d’une bonne nouvelle qui fait un peu calendrier de l’Avent: vous allez très bientôt pouvoir profiter de la version française du livre The Big Book of Key Performance Indicators d’Eric T. Peterson! Nous sommes en phase finale de traduction et son titre en français sera: La Bible des Indicateurs Clé de Performance (KPI)

En effet, grâce au fait qu’Eric est devenu actionnaire d’OX2 (en sus du partenariat avec sa société Web Analytics Demystified), nous mettrons très bientôt ce livre en version française disponibilité au format PDF et… nous vous donnerons même un avant-goût de ce livre en vous faisant partager quelques-uns de ces indicateurs grâce à notre blog d’ici la fin de l’année.

Restez attentifs, ça commence dès demain! 🙂

Please answer Eric’s Web Analytics survey!!!

November 14, 2007

wadilogo.jpgYou might have heard that Eric has launched a new survey about Web Analytics.  If you’re using Web Analytics within your company now is the time to make a contribution to the industry by providing anonymously your opinion and experience regarding Web Analytics tools.  The survey takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

Why should you give 10 minutes of your time?  Because you will help us all to better understand the industry and particularly how practitionners relate to Web Analytics products.  Also because the results will be freely available to the whole planet as the previous survey conducted by Web Analytics Demystified Inc.

Please take 10 minutes of your time, the industry needs your help and we all value your opinion in order to make this discipline evolve, based on your needs. Let your voice be heard, here’s your chance.


Eric Peterson joins OX2 as Director & Shareholder (Press Release)

October 16, 2007

Eric T. PetersonBrussels, October 16th 2007 — Eric Peterson becomes shareholder of OX2, the Belgian/pan-European interactive agency leader in the field of measurement and analysis of online behavior, also known as Web Analytics or WA. Eric Peterson becomes a shareholder as well as a member of the agency’s board. As such, Eric’s mission will be to influence the business unit by confronting his vision of web analytics against that of Aurélie Pols (Web Analytics Team Leader chez OX2). Eric Peterson will also travel to Europe to assist OX2’s European clients, should they require his unique presentation and strategic workshop management skills. (more…)

BarCamp Buenos Aires (Argentina)

September 29, 2007

barcamp_logo.jpgThis month, Juan Damia, asked me to participate to the first BarCamp in Argentina that will take place in a few hours in Buenos Aires. I was given 10 minutes to discuss about the state of Web Analytics in Europe and provide some examples of works that we have done at OX2.

You may know what a BarCamp is, if not, here’s a quick definition from Wikipedia:

BarCamp is an international network of user generated conferences — open, participatory workshop-events, whose content is provided by participants — often focusing on early-stage web applications, and related open source technologies, social protocols, and open data formats.

As it was a bit complicated to travel to Argentina for this week-end (next week I’m traveling to the Canary Islands, in 2 weeks to Washington and in 4 to Stockholm), we decided to prepare a little video with my intervention and connect online for the Q&A. (more…)

Eric T. Peterson: ‘Web Analytics is Easy?’

September 20, 2007

For those of you who couldn’t attend our Web Analytics Day and enjoy Eric presenting, you can view hereunder a video taken at eDay in Rotterdam that features Eric’s Peterson presentation “Web Analytics is Easy” which was the first of the 3 presentations Eric did at our last week’s event.

OX2 Web Analytics Day 2007: Thank you & Feedback

September 18, 2007

Here’s a little video presenting the Web Analytics Day that took place last week here in Brussels done by Roberto, one of our Design team members.

I wanted again to thank all the persons that made this unique event possible and specially to:

Eric for having accepted to deliver 3 outstanding presentations that really made the day worth it.

Ian Thomas for giving us the exclusive moment of presenting Microsoft Gatineau

– All the sponsors (Omniture, WebTrends, IndexTools, Microsoft, Nedstat & Extenseo) for supporting this event and allowing us to invite the practitioners.

– All OX2 team that has been working hard on top of their day2day jobs to get this event ready.

– And last but not least, all the participants that showed up. This event was for you and the best gauge that I can think of to measure the successof the event are the feedback forms. Besides one person that complained because it was too much oriented for big compagnies, here are some interesting statistics from the 50 forms that we received back:

100% of respondents found the conference instructive

100% said that the agenda and topics matched their expectations

100% would recommend the event to their friends

Regarding the speakers, the ranking of satisfaction was pretty much as expected: Eric leads with almost everybody stating that he was very good followed by Aurélie, Dave and Stephan. On the vendors side, the ranking of satisfaction placed Omniture followed by WebTrends and then Indextools, Nedstat and Extenseo.

I have to admit that we were really amazed by the feedback forms and the positive emails that we have received since last friday. Here are some of the comments we have received:

René, Aurélie, just a short note to say congratulations and thank you for today, I thought the audience, content and venue were all first class!

Thanks for hosting the event last week. I thought it was very informative and I certainly picked up a few useful insights.

I just wanted to congratulate you guys again in setting up this great event. All the people I have spoke to during the day where all enthusiastic about the event and Web Analytics.

Thank you for your event, I was really impressed

As I just told Rene over the phone. I think it was an amazing event on the level of Emetrics (and I do about 25 shows a year).

this last comment really made my day, as eMetrics is for me the nirvana of the Web Analytics event.

Thanks again to everybody that came and allowed this event to be a great success.

And yes, see you next year at our third OX2 Web Analytics Day Brussels (It’s going to be difficult to do better I think…).


P.S. BTW, you can also view some pictures of the event at Flickr.

Web Analytics Day Brussels: a European shock therapy in Web Analytics

September 16, 2007

My conference journey started out on Thursday, when I hooked up with a couple of Belgian clients at the eDay in Rotterdam, before heading back to Brussels together with Eric, after his brief radio interview, where I was lucky enough to play around with his iPhone. To be quite honest, I’m not really an early adopter but if you touch it, believe me, you want one and leaving your credit card at home doesn’t really seem to work 😉
The car ride back home went fast – as we both like to drive fast – and discussed on the way recent evolutions of the Web Analytics industry, including Megan Burns’ latest Forrester wave that had been officially released a couple of days before.
To be quite honest, the night was short and the next day promised to be quite long as I picked up both Dave and Eric to head to the Federation of Enterprises in Brussels in order to have breakfast around 8 am.

WAD at the FEB

When setting up the Web Analytics Day in Brussels, our intention was mainly to get practitioners from major Belgian companies – and picked up a couple of international attendees in the process – in order to allow them to get a full review of what Web Analytics is actually about, looking beyond the pure acquisition of a web analytics tool. As Eric’s Web Analytics is Easy presentation also emphasized, using his RAMP analogy, the first letter stands for Ressources which include both technology as well as people. The other acronyms respectively stand for Analysis, Multivariate testing & Processes. (more…)

(Some) of my favorite vendors and speakers are coming, are you?

August 28, 2007

Web Analytics in EuropeThis is exciting, my little Web Analytics Business Unit could’t be happier with the upcoming Web Analytics Day to be held on September the 14th in Brussels!

We had some experience setting-up a Web Analytics Day back in 2005 and managed, in those early days to get almost 100 people to listen to what we had to say during workshops and conferences. This time around, man oh man, it’s going to be a ball!

Some of my favorite speakers are coming: Eric Peterson to talk about process!, KPIs & Web 2.0. Wandering Dave Rhee to discuss his favorite subject: Social Networks! and last but not least, the World Federation of Advertisers with its very own Stephan Loerke to discuss how Advertisers are becoming Accountable.

And it’s not all because we’re also going to let the vendors show off in order to fill you in on what they’ve been up to and how they see Web Analytics evolving. Omniture‘s going to surely show off Genesis while WebTrends will be presenting Marketing Lab 2 (ML² for those familiar with the topic), IndexTools‘ wonderful Dennis Mortensen will certainly crack a joke while assuring you his solution is the most cost effective one and flegmatic Ian Thomas from Microsoft will also be emphasizing his view upon Web Analytics… and free tools.  In addition we have also Nedstat, the biggest Dutch Web Analytics vendor who will be represented by Krist Verhelle and finally Extenseo, the leading SEO company in Belgium that will speak about Web Analytics & SEO.

But don’t forget, it’s also about the networking, about asking the questions you’ve always wondered about but were afraid to ask or blog about!
René’s in charge of food & cocktails so you can be sure all this exciting knowledge will be graciously floating on top of your cocktails. Hopefully, he’ll even think about the chocolates!
This is really a day about knowledge, about getting the most out of the online channel and the challenge we’ve all been embracing for many years now, building up an accountable society.

Join us, challenge us! Without you, we couldn’t made this wonderful European Dream Team happend!

Looking forward to meeting you on Friday the 14th of September at the Federation of Entreprises of Belgium. More information:


BEL20 & Web Analytics

August 13, 2007

CAC40 & Web analyticsHere is the latest instalment in our WA Indexes series: the BEL20 index, which comprises the 20 most significant public companies in Belgium.

Well, 19 really, since Barco was taken off the index on March 1st, 2007 and the vacant slot hasn’t been filled as of today.

As with previous reports, let us start things up with an overview of which company uses which tool… (more…)

Web Analytics Association Webcast: Eric Peterson

August 11, 2007

Web Analytics Association Premiere Corporate LogoFor those of you who won’t be able to attend our Web Analytics Day the next September 14th, you can nevertheless attend Eric Peterson Presentation ‘Web Analytics is easy!’ through a Web analytics Association Webcast that will take place on August 29th. Please note that this exclusive event is open to WAA members only: another good reason to become a member 😉

Event details: (more…)

Eric Peterson + Aurélie Pols = Web Analytics Day Brussels (14/09/07)

August 1, 2007

pic_docshevel.jpgAs you might have read here these previous days, OX2 is organising with Eric Peterson and Web Analytics Demystified a Web Analytics Day on the 14th of September 2007.

This unique day is intended for practitioners in Web Analytics wanting to increase their knowledge in the subject. Eric and Aurélie along with Stephan Loerke, Managing Director of the World Federation of Advertisers and David Rhee, Web Analytics Director at Gateway Computers will share with you their knowledge around Web Analytics. This is your perfect chance to learn all you need to know to get started efficiently in your Web Analytics Journey. Register today!

You can register directly (seats are limited) on You can also find hereafter the agenda of that event.

Web Analytics Day Brussels 2007


Les solutions gratuites: applications… et limitations

July 27, 2007

Web Analytics Demystified Logo

Après l’annonce de notre partenariat avec Web Analytics Demystified, nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous une étude d’Eric Peterson publiée le 24 juillet. Cette étude porte sur l’utilisation d’outils gratuits de web analytique, tels que Google Analytics ou le futur “projet Gatineau” de Microsoft. Malgré l’adoption grandissante de Google Analytics par des entreprises de toutes tailles – qu’elles fassent partie de l’index Fortune 500 comme Chevron, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Dell ou Dupont, l’étude d’Eric montre que les entreprises qui adoptent et implémentent des outils gratuits de web analytique sont moins susceptibles de mettre en application des best practices et donc de tirer le meilleur parti de leur investissement web analytique.

Les points d’orgue de cette étude sont les suivants:

  • Les entreprises qui adoptent un outil gratuit ont davantage tendance à traiter les web analytics de façon un peu cavalière. 35% des entreprises interrogées qui utilisent des outils gratuits s’en servent de façon ad hoc, contre 20% chez les utilisateurs d’outils payants.
  • Les entreprises qui utilisent un outil gratuit manquent cruellement de ressources dédiées aux web analytics. 42% des entreprises interrogées qui utilisent des outils gratuits déclarent n’avoir aucune ressource dédiée, contre 18% chez les utilisateurs d’outils payants.
  • Les personnes qui utilisent des outils gratuits ont en général moins d’expérience des web analytics: 64% des utilisateurs d’outils gratuits ont moins de deux ans d’expérience dans le domaine, contre 32% chez les utilisateurs de solutions payantes.

Comme pour la plupart de ses études, et dans le cadre d’un effort éducatif et d’évangélisation, Eric publie ce rapport sur le site de WebAnalytics Demystified, Inc., dont le “Conseil des Sages” comprend Aurélie Pols.

Le rapport est disponible sur:

Un facteur de poids pour des outils gratuits, et notamment avec ces produits récemment arrivés sur le marché, est bien entendu le manque d’expérience et de recul par rapport au reste de l’industrie.

Comme le souligne Eric dans son étude, avec l’arrivée sur le marché d’outils gratuits, on observe d’importantes différences dans la façon dont sont utilisés des produits gratuits ou payants. (more…)

Free Analytics tools, what could be the consequences of such a choice?

July 25, 2007

Walking on the beach of Bergen aan Zee, North of HollandI met today with Google’s recently appointed country manager for Belgium, Erik Portier. We had a good discussion and it was a pleasure to meet in order to discuss our position as Google Analytics Authorised Consultants (GAAC). I was just a bit sad we couldn’t be of more assistance to help him promote his chair with 3 legs, as he calls it, SEO+GA+AdWords=how Google Belgium can be of service.
On top of that, his interest goes out to “Geo products”, Google Maps and Earth.
Thank you for your time, Erik, it was a pleasure.

In the mean time, another Eric on the other side of the ocean published an interesting free report entitled “The Problem with Free Analytics – July 2007“, which is now available for download. I read the report some days ago while we were spending some fabelous days in the Sarthe region in France and basically agree with Eric about his conclusions. You can read more about his opinion and reflections on his blog.

The coincidence of events is interesting as we also discussed with Erik (that’s the one based in Belgium) about how we could help each other, by collaborating on client needs and support. We’ve seen a recent increase in interest from companies using free tools in order to get the most out the data collected. Indeed, without human resources, any tool won’t miraculously spit out insights. And being an Authorized Google Analytics Consultant, we’re happy to help. I would actually encourage you to contact Julien and Mehdi if you have any questions and please, challenge them! Even though I’m also GA Certified, I must admit I haven’t really stumbled upon a question I couldn’t answer and am happy to help spread the usage of such a great tool.
I’m convinced there’s still lots to learn ad share in order to make online communication more efficient.

As a KPI for Google Analytics, following this report and the discussion with both Ericks, I would suggest a view upon the number of Goals set by profile… if I may humbly suggest…
I wonder if the average would be closer to 0 or to 4, and if it’s moving up or not, taking into account the number of profiles created, of course. It would, for us as a GAAC, at least show wether we are doing our job well or if, compared to other countries, we might need to continue providing human resources in order to get more out of the tool and help companies set-up the processes required to assure success in their Web Analytics project.

My 5 euro cents before heading off to Amsterdam. Thoughts are welcome, please don’t hesitate.
Kind regards,

Eric Peterson at PodTech: Web Analytics Guru on Measurement, Engagement and Attention

June 10, 2007

Find here after the interview done by Jeremiah of Eric a few weeks ago. Eric speaks about engagement and measuring the Web 2.0

[podtech content=]

You’ll find more information on his website

OX2 Partners with Web Analytics Demystified Inc.

May 31, 2007

Today we are happy to announce our latest partnership with Web Analytics Demystified and Eric T. Peterson.

Press Release:

Web Analytics Demystified and OX2 Partner to Provide World-Class Analytics to European Clients

Brussels, May 31st, 2007 — OX2, the Belgian interactive agency – a leader in the field of online behaviour measurement and analysis, otherwise known as Web Analytics (short: WA) – announces its partnership with Web Analytics Demystified, Inc., recently founded by international web analytics thought leader Eric T. Peterson. The objective of this partnership is to offer in Europe a complete range of Web Analytics solutions that include both auditing and services for most WA solutions. Furthermore, this partnership is a unique opportunity for European clients to benefit from Eric T. Peterson’s world-renowned experience.


Web Analytics dinner in Amsterdam – June 1st

May 23, 2007

Hi folks,

Aurélie (jet-laggued) and Eric at San FranciscoAs you might have read on the Yahoo Groups, Eric Peterson is paying us a visit at the end of this month (he’s attending a Web Analytics Congres in The Netherlands). As Aurélie and I will be joining Eric during that week-end we thought it would be interesting to organize a diner in Amsterdam on Friday the 1st of June. This diner is open to anyone interested in Web Analytics willing to spend some time with us. The attendees will have the opportunity not only to meet with Eric, but also to have a discussion about the European figures of the Web Analytics Survey he has made recently (read the US figures here).

So if you care to join us, please send me (rdo AT ox2 DOT be) or Eric an e-mail so we can book a restaurant for this occasion (please do so ASAP as we want to make sure to be able to accommodate everybody).


For Gurus For You: An experiment! (WAA is in the testing industry)

May 13, 2007

Aurélie and I just got back home after filling in a complaint for lost luggage at the airport… (thanks American Airlines). So we are back in our little Brussels and it’s great to be home, the birds sing this Sunday morning (home sweet home).

Four Gurus For You has been a great achievement for the WAA International Committee. Besides congratulating everybody that made this possible and specially the 4 Gurus that agreed to wake up really early despite the jet lag for some and Jim’s Lobby Bar. So thank you Eric, Avinash, Bryan and Jim!


Eric Peterson launches his Company & Aurélie joins his Board of Advisors

May 8, 2007

Web Analytics Demystified Logo

Yesterday, Eric Peterson, worldwide renowned Web Analytics Guru, announced at Emetrics San Francisco his decision to launch his Company Web Analytics Demystified Inc.

I have to admit that for Aurélie and I it wasn’t a big surprise as we were in the secret since a couple of months now when Eric contacted us to propose Aurélie to join his Board of Advisors (Nevertheless, Aurélie got her surprise as before starting his presentation Eric took her on stage and sang Happy Birthday to her -she just turned 29 for the sixth time yesterday- along with the 500 attendees – I’ll post a little video about this ;-)). I remember the day he sent us an email asking us to have a chat with him over Skype. Back then, we were really surprised by his future move and pretty honored to be not only among the firsts to know his secret but also his will to have Aurélie to join his Board of Advisors (thank you Eric, we will always be grateful for your trust and confidence).

So what is it all this about, what Eric plans to do? What are his objectives? What’s his company positioning?

Eric has created his company around what he calls ‘The Truth About Web Analytics”: (more…)