Archive for November, 2006

Web Analytics becoming core Marketing Competency

November 26, 2006

Sorry I couldn’t help myself, I had to blog again today 😉

While surfing on my Netvibes, I just noticed this ClickPress article ‘Web analytics becoming a marketing competency‘ based on a survey undertaken by Coremetrics in the US & UK (just months ahead of continental Europe ;-)).

A small exerpt of the article just to give you a glimpse:

Of the 120 US and UK respondents to the survey by Coremetrics, 73 per cent said analytics and measurement have become more important over the past two years and these skills are now seen as more important than branding and product promotion.

According to John Squire, vice president, product strategy and general manager, marketing services at Coremetrics:

This study found that analytics and search engine marketing are being prioritised because they can reap enormous return and have a direct impact on an organisation’s online, and even offline, revenues,(more…)

Web Analytics ROI (WAROI) in the Advertising Business Model

November 26, 2006 logoLast week Aurélie and I were discussing about ways of calculating the ROI of a Web Analytics project. As we see that many companies (specially in the media sector) don’t find WA a priority, we wanted to present them with a formula that would allow them to view the tremendous ROI made possible with Web Analytics.

As we often say when making presentations, accountability is becoming more and more a must reach for marketers and companies in general. This means that when dealing with any investment we need to be able to define the ROI of this investment. We see more and more marketeers needing to report and justify their budgets. Based on this, we propose a little help for the eMarketeers in the media industry wanting to invest in Web Analytics.

This first formula (I’ll try to work on other formulas for other business models) has been developed for the advertising business model websites. In other words websites that get at least part of their income from advertisements as banners or IMUs.

So here’s the formula:

(X+Y) x WACPM = ICPM x Y

Now let’s explain the different items and provide you with a practical example. (more…)

Deontology Codes for the Web Analytics Industry

November 24, 2006

Jeremy Bentham, philosopher founder of Utilitarianism -- simply put, the philosophy that a moral act is one which produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. He outlined this theory in his 1789 work, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation.I was reading the different posts and comments regarding private issues raised by the attempt to shut down the Microsoft ad Center (Yes I know I have some delay in my reading but these last few weeks have been hectic). It’s funny, at Washington during the eMetrics we were speaking about privacy and the differences of point of view between the US and the EU.

The reading lead me to an idea for the WAA. I think the Association should agree on deontology rules for the industry and provide some kind of label (besides the professional accreditation that is already been discussed). (more…)

Visual Sciences’ Promise

November 22, 2006

René is trying to get me to adopt his wonderful Mac. Actually he started by begging me to write an article about Visual Sciences as I promised Eric I would do.

Yes, I’ve been silent because I haven’t been doing my homework actually. Just digesting my US eMetrics experience and taking care of my clients as well as the integration of a new team member to my little panEuropean Web Analytics business unit. Welcome Julien, our French team member. So busy, busy, or as Siegert would say with his smiling Flemish accent druk, druk, druk 😉

Visual Sciences - Visual Site Interface

But yes, of course, Visual Sciences. (more…)

Before selecting a vendor, what would you take into consideration?

November 19, 2006

Tibet's capitalI was asked to enter in some kind of best Web Analytics project competition at the end of last month and felt actually unconfortable with the questions asked.
My first reflex was to think about the fact that I couldn’t give out any results from my clients in order to protect them and their business model. My second thoughts emanated once I started reading the questions asked in the form I had to fill in.

I’m sharing here my comments to the organiser of the competition I sent him a month ago: (more…)

The (un)Real Conversion Rate topic discussion (Avinash vs Future Now?)

November 18, 2006

Filtering your visitsAvinash has posted a week ago a new Web Analytics tip on his blog (Excellent Analytics Tip #8: Measure the Real Conversion Rate & “Opportunity Pie”) and

Avinash’s tip presented 3 ways of increasing the conversion rates to which John disagreed (I rephrase and simplify their statements, so if you feel I got it wrong, please feel free to comment): (more…)

OX2 welcomes Julien Coquet

November 18, 2006

Multivariable TestingAfter 6 months looking for a Web Analyst to join our European Web Analytics Dreamteam we finally found him: Julien Coquet.

Julien is french and has been working for Capgemini in France for the past 5 years. During this time he has undertaken different Web Analytics projects and specially the European Web analytics project of HP using Omniture. He has also experience with WebSideStory and Google Analytics and we will train him in the coming weeks to our other Web Analytics supported tools (WebTrends & Instadia).

Julien will join then our existing team composed by Aurélie Pols, Siegert Dierickx and Guillaume Hermans. He will be invited to blog here, so you’ll have the opportunity to learn to know him better. You can read here his personal blog (english & french).

His EMEA Web Analytics deployment experience with Cap Gemini and HP will be very valuable as more and more we work for clients on a pan-European level. Among other things Julien will be in charge of the processes part of Web Analytics. As many of you might now Web Analytics Business Process has been recently recognised as one of the major points to be taken into account when dealing with Web Analytics (Thank you Eric).

Julien, welcome to Brussels the capital of Europe!