Tridion and WebTrends


As we @OX2 finished integrating WebTrends with our Content Management System, On[i]Sys some weeks ago, I was wondering if the same kind of reflection had been haunting other CMS vendors on my market.

I also got an interesting question from one my new clients regarding integration between DreamWeaver and WebTrends and found that indeed, something had existed. More on

Anyhow, I moved on and typed into Google "Tridion" & "WebTrends", looking not only for possible integrations but also remembering that some time ago, a Tridion client told me about Tridion developping it's own Web Analytics solution and what I thought about it.
Well, to be quite honnest, I didn't know about it and wouldn't actually care less.
As an enterpreneur, I know how important it is to stick to what you know.
For those who know me, it's quite obvious I'm the "best of breed" kind of person. T
hat also explains for me why we chose for WebTrends in terms of Web Analytics solutions – amongst others such as Google Analytics.

Anyhow, getting back to Tridion and WebTrends in Google, top result is:
By the way, for those who might tell me this is old, the publication date can be found in the source code (unless Tridion goes through an entire publication process for all content over and over again, which I doubt: it's not optimal and useless) and thus the publication date states <meta name="DC.Date.X-MetadataLastModified" content="2006/04/11 14:28:51"/>. Interesting meta: answers one of my clients questions of last week: who publishes content & at which frequency?

I'm diverting again.
The point is that Tridion is recruiting an Online Marketeer for Amsterdam.
And the Roles and Responsabilities of the Online Marketeer will be "Measure online effectiveness using web analytics tools like Webtrends."

Thanks guys for supporting my view related to WebTrends.
And let me know if there is more to Tridion & WebTrends, will you? or Web Analytics as a matter of fact. Can't seem to get results from your Search unfortunately 😦

4 Responses to “Tridion and WebTrends”

  1. Ragnar Says:

    I am not aware of integration-activities of Tridion and Webtrends. You might be interested that Tridion is releasing a new product called “Tridion Content Interaction” this year. Marketeers can click on a small button on their company’s website (only visible for them) and see a graphical visualization of the page-views and impressions. With a diagram the temporal changes are shown. This webtraffic-layer displays result for every piece of content (ComponentPresentation) and not only for the entire page. So you a Marketeer can see which teaser was clicked most often just by one single click.


  2. Jan Hart Says:

    I think you have misunderstood how CMS vendors such as Tridion (but there are others) are adding Content Statistical capabilities to their products. If you are a reader of CMSWatch’s recomendable CMS Report, you will find Tridion’s capabilities in this area explained. Many Tridion customers use Web Site Analytic tools like WebTrends or NedStats, and Tridion, based on customer requests, is simply complementing these tools rather than duplicating them. The fact that you see Tridion advertising for skilled people in WebTrends means exactly that: they use Tridion, WebTrends and their own content analytic tools. Whereas Webtrends is powerful for measuring Web sites, it does not measure how the content in your content repository is being used across multiple publications. This is where Tridion’s new capabilities come in. With this tool, you are now able to see the impact changing content across multiple publications will have. This is something very different from what WebTrends or NedStats offers.

    In conclusion, please do read reports from professionals such as CMSWatch before jumping to conclusions. Alteratively, why not just ask the vendor? It seems strange not to ask informed sources rather than delve into the source of HTML pages.

  3. Aurélie Pols Says:

    Interesting reply.

    First of all, I did ask the vendor, a sales guy who would get back to me, gave him my business card, waited 3 weeks now and still no news.

    Secondly, apparently, there is some kind of overlay technique being proposed as mentioned in the prevous comment so I do see overlap between what Tridion proposes and for example WebTrends in the form of SmartView.

    Thirdly, as I am integrating my own Content Management Solutions with Webtrends and looking at what a CMS like Hot Banana propose in terms of integration, I do not believe that the question is that stupid: how far should you go between a CMS and a WA tool? which tool should do what?

    Fourthly, when you say “you are now able to see the impact changing content across multiple publications will have”, I can’t help but ask: How?
    If the CMS generates logs, they can be analysed with a Web Analytics tool. or are you saying that that’s a CMS’s job? not to my standards…

    The ultimate question is: which tool should do what, between a CMS and a WA tool?
    I think there are some WA features that should be integrated into the CMS and that other should stand within the WA tool. But I think the issue is complex and needs to be tested out before becoming stable and market practice. In the mean time, there is a lot of risk that such communications are misunderstood by end users.
    And I applaud today (yes, sometimes I change my mind) the possibility of using an overlay technology inside a CMS. I just don’t want to see end users confused about which tool does what. It is already complicated enough between DB, external Emailing, sales automation and CRM tools integrations.

  4. Finn Says:


    I am not sure what Tridon is building at this moment. What i do know is the following: they appointed a new guy in the function of marketing related. And he was pretty impressed of the overlay technique WebTrends was using. He actually approached me a while a go with some questions about it.

    The way it can work in Tridion is, and be aware, this is a guess, is that they use the url as a sort of identifier, which is possible i think because they know all the urls they publish when a page is being published. This in combo with the stats from logfiles etc. would give a good idea of the total. Hell, there whole publication schema is availlable, we use this for generating content- and content subgroups for SDC tagging.

    Allthough i would prefer to see a feature where you can hookup the odbc interface of WT 8 to a clients backoffice and do you thing… I’ll give it a try later today.. something like: select urlxxx from webtrendsodbc where pageviews is larger then 1000 and reporttype = pageviews


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